Smart Hub for Business
Get fixed high-speed internet access to businesses powered by the TELUS LTE and 5G network.

Powered by the TELUS LTE Network
Download speeds up to 100 Mbps1
Unlimited data starting at just $55 per month2
High speed Wi-Fi that lets you connect multiple devices3
Frequently asked questions
Qualification for TELUS High Speed Internet with Smart Hub:
- TELUS provides Smart Hub services in selected communities to ensure customers using internet service in these areas get an optimal experience. Speed and signal strength may vary with your configuration, internet traffic, environmental conditions, applicable network management or other factors. For a description of TELUS network management practices,
- If your address does not qualify, we will not be able to offer you Smart Hub services at this time. Please check for service availability in the future.
Can I move my Smart Hub?
- No. TELUS High-Speed Internet with Smart Hub is a fixed internet connection that can only be used at your designated service location.
What happens if I move my Smart Hub to another location?
- Your internet service will be blocked and you will be notified via email. To resume your TELUS High Speed Internet with Smart Hub, you will need to move your Smart Hub back to its designated service location or follow the instructions from the email to get your service unblocked. If your email address has changed, please call 1-866-641-5215 to update your email address to ensure you receive the service notifications.
What if I’m not receiving the block email?
- To receive service notifications via email, you will need to have a valid email address on your TELUS account. Please check your My TELUS profile to ensure your email address is correct.
What if I’m moving?
- Please call 1-866-558-2273 to change your service address.
What if I want a second Smart Hub installed at another location?
- First, qualify the second service address. If it qualifies for service, you can subscribe to the service by contacting your nearest Smart Hub dealership.
Will my Security System work with Smart Hub?
- TELUS Secure Business Systems are compatible with Smart Hub. Third-party Security Systems that require a wired service are not guaranteed to work with Smart Hub. Please discuss the requirements with your current Security System provider to ensure compatibility.
"Internet speed" refers to how quickly information can be transmitted back and forth from the Internet to your computer. Internet speeds are measured in Mbps (Megabits per second).
- Download speed is how quickly information is transmitted from the Internet to your computer. Regarding reading, playing games, viewing video and listening to streaming music on the web, this is the key number
- Upload speed is how quickly you can send information from your computer to the Internet
What can affect your Internet speed
Many factors influence the actual Internet speed you experience at any given time, including:
Many factors influence the actual Internet speed you experience at any given time, including:
- The speed of the website from which you're downloading information
- The number of people trying to download the same information as you from the same website
- The number of applications or programs you are running on your computer
- The distance between the TELUS Smart Hub and your device
- Your computer’s age
Recommended settings for streaming video
Streaming video sites and services allow you to change the quality of the stream. You might think you always want to choose the Best/Highest quality, but choosing the ‘best’ may result in stuttering. You may find a small decrease to 720P or 480P still looks very similar in your browser, but will load much faster. Here are some recommended settings for popular streaming services:
Streaming video sites and services allow you to change the quality of the stream. You might think you always want to choose the Best/Highest quality, but choosing the ‘best’ may result in stuttering. You may find a small decrease to 720P or 480P still looks very similar in your browser, but will load much faster. Here are some recommended settings for popular streaming services:
- YouTube video quality speed requirements
- To view 1080p video, you should have a download speed of 8 Mbps
- To view 720p video, you should have a download speed of 5 Mbps
- To view 480p video, you should have a download speed of 2.5 Mbps
- To view 360p video, you should have a download speed of 1 Mbps
- Netflix video quality recommended settings
- To view 3-D video, you should have a download speed of 12 Mbps
- To view Super HD video, you should have a download speed of 7 Mbps
- To view HD video, you should have a download speed of 5 Mbps
- To view DVD video, you should have a download speed of 3 Mbps
- To view Basic video, you should have a download speed of 1.5 Mbps
What is Wi-Fi?
Wi-Fi is technology that connects devices, such as tablets, smartphones or laptops, to the Internet without the need for a physical wired connection. This network technology transmits radio signals to and from your Smart Hub so that you can browse webpages, stream videos or conduct business transactions.
Wi-Fi is technology that connects devices, such as tablets, smartphones or laptops, to the Internet without the need for a physical wired connection. This network technology transmits radio signals to and from your Smart Hub so that you can browse webpages, stream videos or conduct business transactions.
Why is Wi-Fi important?
When connecting by Wi-Fi, you benefit from the freedom and convenience of accessing the Internet throughout your business on Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as tablets or smartphones, that do not have wired connections. You can also benefit from connecting to shared devices, such as your printer, throughout your business.
When connecting by Wi-Fi, you benefit from the freedom and convenience of accessing the Internet throughout your business on Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as tablets or smartphones, that do not have wired connections. You can also benefit from connecting to shared devices, such as your printer, throughout your business.
What are some factors that affect Wi-Fi?
Here are some factors that affect your Wi-Fi performance:
Here are some factors that affect your Wi-Fi performance:
- Your neighbours
- Wi-Fi signals operate only on certain radio frequencies. Congestion on these frequencies is problematic because of high density living. Wi-Fi networks can become overcrowded, just like traffic on highways. The number of neighbouring Wi-Fi networks around your business can affect Wi-Fi performance.
- Your business
- When listening to music on the radio, the sound quality is not only dependent on how close you are to the radio but also on the number of walls the sound must pass through. Wi-Fi acts in a similar way. For Wi-Fi signals to travel from your Smart Hub to where you are using your device, it must pass through your walls and floors. Building materials like concrete and brick will reduce your Wi-Fi signal strength.
- Your devices
- The number of devices, the age of your devices and what you do on your devices are all factors that affect your Wi-Fi performance. Wi-Fi technology allows your Smart Hub to communicate with one device at a time.
- If you have multiple Wi-Fi devices operating at the same time, each device must wait for their turn to communicate. Some older tablets and smartphones communicate at a slower rate and can slow down your entire Wi-Fi network.
- Like using water from the same pipe to run the dishwasher, take a shower and care for your lawn, all your devices share Wi-Fi bandwidth. Some applications, like uploading large files to your cloud storage, are bandwidth intensive and will hog more of the Wi-Fi network, leaving less available for your other devices.
- Other devices in your business emit disruptors to your Wi-Fi network because they operate on the same radio frequency as your Wi-Fi signals. A few examples include microwaves, cordless phones and wireless speaker systems.
Understanding the difference between internet speed and Wi-Fi speed is important. Internet speed is the speed stated on your internet plan. Think of internet speed as the “pipe” that enters your business. Once inside, your devices that access the internet are connected to the Smart Hub via Wi-Fi.
In the case of Wi-Fi connected devices, your internet is distributed and shared amongst all the Wi-Fi devices you use. The Wi-Fi speeds you get depend on various factors that are explained in this article.
What is Wi-Fi coverage?
Wi-Fi coverage is the quality of your signal over a certain distance that enables you to connect your personal devices to the internet seamlessly.
Wi-Fi coverage is the quality of your signal over a certain distance that enables you to connect your personal devices to the internet seamlessly.
Wi-Fi coverage is similar to music playing from a speaker. The closer you are to the speaker, the clearer you can hear the music. Like listening to music, your Wi-Fi signal is stronger (and faster) the closer you are to your Smart Hub. As you move farther away from your Smart Hub, Wi-Fi signals lose intensity, and the quality of your connection decreases. At some point, you might move far enough that you will simply be out of range and have no Wi-Fi signal at all.
How much coverage is provided?
There is no simple rule to calculate the amount of coverage Smart Hub will offer. For everyday use, like surfing websites, streaming videos or sharing photos, your Wi-Fi network will provide great coverage throughout your business.
There is no simple rule to calculate the amount of coverage Smart Hub will offer. For everyday use, like surfing websites, streaming videos or sharing photos, your Wi-Fi network will provide great coverage throughout your business.
The speeds you can achieve within various coverage areas varies with distance from the Smart Hub along with other factors.
Your Smart Hub will be able to provide coverage throughout your business. On average, maximum speeds and best coverage are achievable within 2000 sq ft* around your Smart Hub. As you move into farther coverage zones, your speeds will slow down.
The size of each coverage zone depends on your usage and unique building characteristics. Here are some of the key factors that impact your Wi-Fi coverage and speeds:
Your surroundings
- Construction materials that block Wi-Fi signals
- E.g., concrete, brick and heated floors
- Electronic devices that emit interference to your Wi-Fi signals
- E.g. microwaves, cordless phones and bluetooth speakers
- Decorations that reflect or distort Wi-Fi signals
- E.g. mirrors and fish tanks
Your setup and usage
- Distance from your Smart Hub
- The closer, the better!
- Location of your Smart Hub
- Off the ground, generally on a table
- Clear of electronic obstacles
Your personal device's age and technology limitations
- Older smartphones and some newer smart TVs have fewer Wi-Fi antennas
Your Internet speed plan
- Number of devices in your business using Wi-Fi at the same time
Positioning your Smart Hub:
- Place the Smart Hub above ground and near a window and on an elevated surface such as a table or shelf. If you have a multi-story business, the highest floor is best.
- To ensure the best experience, we suggest moving your Smart Hub throughout your business and conducting a speed test ( at each location with only one device connected to the hub and the hub connected to it by ethernet cable. The location that gets the fastest download speed should be where your Smart Hub is placed.
- Foliage can impact the speed of your Smart Hub connection. Try moving the device around following the steps above if you notice a drop in speed in springtime.
- Avoid placing the Smart Hub on the floor, in basements or enclosed areas like closets or cabinets. Also avoid placing near mirrored objects, fish tanks or objects that may obstruct the signal.
- If it’s in a location surrounded by electronic items (see a list of items under Minimize radio interference below), move it away from these items to ensure good signal strength
Minimize radio interference
Some devices may cause interference with your Wi-Fi signal if they are within close proximity (8-10 feet) of your Smart Hub. If possible, try removing or turning off sources of potential interference. Try to locate the following away from your Smart Hub and Wi-Fi devices:
Some devices may cause interference with your Wi-Fi signal if they are within close proximity (8-10 feet) of your Smart Hub. If possible, try removing or turning off sources of potential interference. Try to locate the following away from your Smart Hub and Wi-Fi devices:
- Cordless telephone base station
- Other wireless modems or routers
- Dense or metallic objects (file cabinets, brick walls etc...)
- Copper or other metallic pipes
- Appliances such as: microwave ovens, air conditioners and television sets
- Garage door openers
- Building materials
- Bluetooth devices
- Wireless speaker system
- Baby monitors
- Wireless security cameras
- Certain monitors and LCD displays
Sharing your Wi-Fi bandwidth
Your Wi-Fi bandwidth is shared across all connected devices at your location. Using up this bandwidth can impact the speed and performance of your device.
Your Wi-Fi bandwidth is shared across all connected devices at your location. Using up this bandwidth can impact the speed and performance of your device.
Some devices connected to your Wi-Fi may automatically use bandwidth. If you do not require your device to be connected, turn it off to help free up bandwidth.
If you find you are consistently using more than your plan allows, consider upgrading your plan.
Wi-Fi congestion
Sharing the same frequency can slow down or disrupt your Wi-Fi service. This is particularly problematic in multi-dwelling units where a neighbour’s Wi-Fi can be operating on the same frequency.
Sharing the same frequency can slow down or disrupt your Wi-Fi service. This is particularly problematic in multi-dwelling units where a neighbour’s Wi-Fi can be operating on the same frequency.
If you continue to experience congestion issues, contact us to discuss other solutions.
If you need additional data until your next billing cycle, data top-ups are available. You can add them at any time by speaking to a TELUS representative.
50GB one-time top-up - $15
100 GB one-time top-up - $30
50GB recurring top-up - $15
100 GB recurring top-up - $30
- All Smart Hub data top-ups are non-shareable
- Once a one-time data top-up is added, it will expire after 30 days from the time of activation
- Once a recurring data top-up is added, it will stay on your account until you request to remove it
- Once all the data in the top-up has been used, any additional pay-per-use data charges will be billed according to your rate plan
- Please refer to our internet traffic management practicesandwireless network experience optimizationfor full details.
- The $55/mo (reg $65) rate plan is on a 2-year term and includes unlimited data and provides download speeds of up to 25 Mbps. At the end of the 24 months, regular pricing will apply and is subject to change without notice.
- The Smart Hub Indoor Unit can connect up to 30 devices.