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Pre-authorized payment plan terms and conditions

The fine print for pre-authorized payments

Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Terms and Conditions

  1. I/We acknowledge and agree that this Authorization is provided for the benefit of TELUS and the Financial Institution in consideration of the Financial Institution agreeing to process debits against my/our Account in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Payments Association. 

  2. I/We authorize TELUS to draw on my/our Account with the Financial Institution for charges for services and products provided with respect to the Telephone Number(s) and/or TELUS Account Number(s). A specimen cheque if available for this Account has been marked “VOID” and attached to this Authorization. I/We shall inform TELUS, in writing, of any change in information associated with the Account provided in this Authorization at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the next due date of the pre-authorized debit. 

  3. I/We acknowledge that I/we will continue to receive bills for services and products provided with respect to the Telephone Number(s) and/or TELUS Account Number(s). I/We acknowledge and agree that receipt of a TELUS bill serves as notice of the date of the debit and the amount to be debited from my/our Account and that the notice may, in some instances, be received less than ten (10) calendar days before the date of the debit or after the date of the debit. I/We acknowledge and agree that I/we will be responsible to pay any amounts outstanding on any bill over and above the Maximum Debit amount, if specified. 

  4. This Authorization may be cancelled at any time upon notice by me/us. I/We acknowledge and agree that, in order to revoke this Authorization, I/we must provide notice of revocation to TELUS at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the next due date of the pre-authorized debit. 

  5. I/We acknowledge and agree that TELUS may terminate this Authorization at any time verbally or by written notice delivered to the address shown on this Authorization. I/We acknowledge and agree that TELUS may charge the Telephone Number(s) and/or TELUS Account Number(s) with a service charge for each dishonored payment as it occurs and that it may also result in termination of my/our participation in the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan. 

  6. Revocation or termination of this Authorization does not terminate any contract for services or products that exists between me/us and TELUS. This Authorization applies only to the method of payment, and, if a Maximum Debit amount is specified, the amount of the payment, and does not otherwise have any bearing on the contract for services or products including any related terms and conditions. 

  7. I/We acknowledge and agree that provision and delivery of this Authorization to TELUS constitutes delivery by me/us to the Financial Institution. Any delivery of this Authorization to TELUS constitutes delivery by me/us. 

  8. I/We acknowledge and agree that the Financial Institution is not required to verify that a pre-authorized debit has been issued in accordance with the particulars of this Authorization including, but not limited to, the amount of the pre-authorized debit.I/We acknowledge and agree that the Financial Institution is not required to verify that any purpose of payment for which the pre-authorized debit was issued has been fulfilled by TELUS as a condition to honouring a pre-authorized debit issued or caused to be issued by TELUS on my/our Account.

  9. I/We acknowledge and agree that a pre-authorized debit may be disputed if:I/we never provided the authorization to TELUS,ii. the pre-authorized debit was not drawn in accordance with my/our Authorization,iii. this Authorization has been revoked, oriv. the debit was posted to the wrong account due to invalid or incorrect Account information provided to the Financial Institution by TELUS.I/We, in order to be reimbursed, acknowledge and agree that a declaration to the effect that any of the conditions noted in (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) occurred must be completed and presented to the branch of the Financial Institution holding my/our Account up to and including ninety (90) calendar days after the date on which the pre-authorized debit in dispute was posted to my/our Account.I/We acknowledge and agree that a claim on the basis that this Authorization was revoked, or any other reason, is a matter to be resolved solely between TELUS and me/us when disputing any pre-authorized debit after ninety (90) calendar days.

  10. I/We consent to the disclosure of any personal information that may be contained on this Authorization to the Financial Institution, as far as any such disclosure of personal information is directly related to and necessary for the proper application of a pre-authorized debit.

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