Sales and marketing

Help us, help our customers make a real connection
Have you been told that you could sell ice to a polar bear, water to a dolphin, magic to a unicorn…or whatever strange comparative a colleague might come up with as they watch you do your thing? If so, we want you to join our sales organization. We need sales professionals of all stripes – from reps to account managers to analysts – so if you’re selling, we’re buying. The flip side of our sales team is our stable of marketing gurus. If you know the telecom marketplace and can say in 5 words or less exactly why you’re the right person to build up our multi-billion dollar brand, then consider joining us. We’ll definitely put your talents to good use.

What you can expect from TELUS


Exceeding high expectations

We’ve been at this a while, so Canadians know TELUS and they have some pretty high expectations. To exceed those expectations, our sales and marketing teams work in lock-step to make sure Canadians know our story and want to be part of it. We also make sure that everyone in this big, beautiful country of ours has access to the coolest and latest technology and we practically put it in their hands ourselves.

Go all-in

Building a top-notch sales and marketing team doesn’t happen overnight. We know that it involves a lot of support and a lot of training – and when you’re in the business of marketing and selling technology, learning and development becomes a constant. We offer tons of programs to help you succeed in your current role and help you prepare for your next one. If you’re all in, so are we and we will do what we can to support your career aspirations with us.

Work where you are most productive

With our technology, one of the things you’ll be marketing or selling is flexibility. That same flexibility that we’re promoting to our customers is on offer to our team. We know that all work and no play is bad for you and bad for business. Because of that, we’re big believers in balance and we’ll do what we can to get you the tools to work where you are most productive and still be able to enjoy the rest of your life.
A woman on the phone working from home
Two people speaking to a co-worker working remotely through video

Facilitating the connection

Maybe you’re reading this from your laptop at a café, or on your tablet commuting to a job you just don’t love, or just about anywhere else you can find a connection. This is what we’re selling – that connection. Every single day, more than 15.9 million TELUS customers are able to connect with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want. And, somewhere along the line, someone from our sales and marketing team facilitated that connection. That’s a pretty great thing to be part of, and that doesn’t even include the incredible connections we’re building in our communities or the many, many ways we are keeping the planet green, our team engaged, and our customers happy. We’ll talk about those things a little more in your interview…so, what are you waiting for? We’re ready when you are...

Delivering innovative communications solutions

$15.5 billion

TELUS’s annual revenue

$4.8 billion

The brand value that TELUS brings


Consecutive years our annual dividend payment has increased
“I have worked at TELUS for over 17 years and it has been an enriching and exhilarating experience. TELUS has given me the opportunity to develop my abilities and skills like no other employer had done before. The sales team I am currently a part of focuses on bringing out the best in everyone by creating a drive that is fuelled by the willingness to contribute and "win". It truly brings about a winning culture. I am really proud to be a part of this TELUS team.”
Andrew Seid
Account manager
“A career in sales, is it possible? For the last 20 years, I had the privilege to thrive within the Business Sales team at TELUS! In order to stand out in a fierce competitive market, TELUS offers a collaborative work environment that promotes creativity. It is with passion and perseverance that we win as a Team! As a leader, I count on developing the skills of each individual and their respective contribution to the success of the team.”
Sigrid Ellefsen
Sales director
“Our team works with internal stakeholders and external agencies to bring our brand to life. The culture lives up to the hype and I’m proud to work for a Canadian company, where the strategy for the future is developed here. It’s very empowering and exciting.”
Chris Statchuk
Manager (Marketing)