SEPTEMBER 17, 2019
TELUS launches IoT Shop, streamlines access to IoT connectivity
Online portal provides simple, self-serve access to TELUS’ dedicated IoT network, giving businesses the flexibility to quickly deploy IoT projects
Vancouver, B.C. – Launching today, the TELUS IoT (Internet of Things) Shop is Canada’s first self-serve online portal that enables businesses to easily purchase and manage prepaid IoT connectivity on Canada’s highest quality wireless network. Ideal for businesses like IoT startups and developer labs, the TELUS IoT Shop makes it quick and easy for them to connect their IoT devices to TELUS’ 4G LTE and LTE-M networks, helping to streamline product development and accelerate smaller projects.
Previously, purchasing IoT connectivity meant committing to volume requirements, credit checks and other processes that made it difficult for smaller companies and organizations to test and deploy relatively smaller quantities of IoT devices. The TELUS IoT Shop removes these hurdles and gives customers the ability to pay with a credit card, monitor data usage online, quickly change rate plans and manage SIM statuses. These controls and more are all available within IoT Console, a one-stop account management dashboard.
“For Canadian businesses innovating in the IoT space, direct access to reliable cellular connectivity is crucial. TELUS is excited to launch the IoT Shop, which removes barriers to entry and increases accessibility to the TELUS IoT network,” said Michael Cihra, Vice President, IoT, TELUS. “The IoT Shop was built based on customer feedback to ensure that the user experience, management tools and services meet the demands of the innovators that are shaping Canada’s growing IoT ecosystem.”
Providing network access for one to 100 SIM cards on an account, the TELUS IoT Shop provides flexible and affordable IoT connectivity with as little as 100 MB or as much as 40 GB of shareable data.To ensure devices stay connected, data plans auto renew on a 30-day cycle, or as soon as the data pool is exhausted.
“The TELUS IoT Shop has made ordering and managing IoT SIMs an easy, painless experience.” said Casey Matson-Dekay, CTO at Loop Insights. “The self-serve portal allowed me to order the SIMs I needed only a few days before they needed to be deployed. Once our devices were live, I immediately had full visibility into their usage and status, which helps Loop Insights remain agile and informed while we evolve our products."
TELUS proudly supports the growth of the IoT ecosystem in Canada by helping businesses develop, connect and deploy connected technologies. In addition to the TELUS IoT Shop, our dedicated IoT network was built exclusively to connect IoT devices, TELUS launched Canada’s first IoT Marketplace to showcase connected solutions for a broad range of industries and the TELUS IoT Starter Kit provides startups the tools required to rapidly prototype connected solutions.
The TELUS IoT Shop is now live at
.More details about TELUS IoT solutions can be found at
.About TELUS
TELUS (TSX: T, NYSE: TU) is a dynamic, world-leading communications and information technology company with $14.6 billion in annual revenue and 14.2 million customer connections spanning wireless, data, IP, voice, television, entertainment, video and security. We leverage our global-leading technology to enable remarkable human outcomes. Our longstanding commitment to putting our customers first fuels every aspect of our business, making us a distinct leader in customer service excellence and loyalty. TELUS Health is Canada's largest healthcare IT provider, and TELUS International delivers the most innovative business process solutions to some of the world’s most established brands.
Driven by our passionate social purpose to connect all Canadians for good, our deeply meaningful and enduring philosophy to give where we live has inspired our team members and retirees to contribute more than $700 million and 1.3 million days of service since 2000. This unprecedented generosity and unparalleled volunteerism have made TELUS the most giving company in the world.
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