TELUS Business Customer Privacy Policy

Version #2- May 9, 2024


This TELUS Business Customer Privacy Policy (this “Privacy Policy”) outlines how TELUS protects the Personal Information entrusted to TELUS by our Customers. TELUS Health Business Customers are covered by a separate Business Privacy Policy. See the
TELUS Health and Payment Solutions Business Privacy Policy
TELUS Communications Inc. (“TELUS”) is in the business of providing a wide range of communications products and services, including wireless, data, internet protocol, voice, television, entertainment, video and business security. We have a direct relationship with many individual consumers, and we are also a service provider to our Customers. We recognize that an important part of our Customers’ operations is to ensure that their End-user’s privacy is protected. Core to our commitment to “putting customers first” is ensuring that the Personal Information our Customers entrust to TELUS is safeguarded and that the privacy of our Customers’ End-users is respected.
TELUS’ privacy management practices are developed in accordance with applicable Canadian privacy legislation, (including, but not limited to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and substantially similar Canadian provincial privacy legislation), as well as with our contractual commitments. TELUS’ privacy practices are also designed to assist our Customers with their own privacy compliance requirements, including with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While TELUS relies on our Customers to ensure that they have obtained all necessary consents or otherwise have all necessary authority for the processing of Customer and End-user Personal Information, our commitment to TELUS Customers is that we will work with them to protect privacy in all relevant service offerings.
This Privacy Policy should be read alongside any contract that a Customer enters into with TELUS. In the event of a conflict between this Privacy Policy and any contract, the contract will take precedence.