Technology is evolving and so are we
Data analytics is the examination or analysis of data in order to gather useful insights or draw conclusions. TELUS conducts data analytics using customer data to manage and develop our business and operations, to understand your needs and preferences, and to develop, enhance, market or provide products and services to you.
At TELUS, we believe that data can also be used to benefit society (for social good), when used responsibly. With today's technology, we have access to more data that can be de-identified (personal identifiers are removed), aggregated and then studied to help partners make better decisions than ever before – decisions that can improve our lives, our health, our cities and our society.
We recognize that new uses of data can create new privacy challenges. It's now more important than ever to protect your privacy. While we look for new ways to deliver on the promise of data analytics, we remain steadfast in our promise to protect your privacy.
Data analytics at TELUS
Watch our video to learn more about how TELUS is exploring the big possibilities of data analytics, how we protect your privacy and your choice to opt out.
Learn about data analytics and your choice to opt-out
Value can be found in the overall trends and patterns drawn from mobile device location data, like pedestrian and vehicle traffic flow. For example, traffic flow information can assist governments in planning where to build new health services, how to alleviate traffic congestion or better evacuation routes in the event of a natural disaster. We believe that we can derive important insights that can benefit Canadians through the analysis of data that has been strongly de-identified before these types of analytics are even conducted. This is what we do at TELUS. By removing personal information, TELUS can help deliver the value of data analytics while still ensuring privacy for our customers.
We may provide de-identified data to third parties to assist in research, planning, or product and service development; we employ strong and effective de-identification mechanisms to ensure that our customers' personal information is not disclosed when we do so.
Let us illustrate with an example:

As technology evolves, massive amounts of data are generated every day. This is often referred to as "big data."

This data has tremendous potential to change our society for the better. Used responsibly, big data can help governments and businesses make important decisions based on facts, not assumptions.

It can be used to help plan safer and more sustainable cities, improve healthcare and boost local economies.

TELUS recognizes the potential of big data – and we want to use it to help answer big questions that will improve the lives of Canadians.
To use data in new and innovative ways, we must also find new ways of protecting and safeguarding our customers' personal information. This is why we work with prominent industry experts to lead the way when it comes to data privacy standards.
We know the potential in data is in the big insights we can derive, not in gaining access to an individual's personal information. That's why strong de-identification and aggregation are the most powerful tools for protecting privacy.
Here's what de-identification and aggregation look like:
- Big data starts with massive sets of information.
- Before any analysis begins, all personal information is removed from the data so that it can't be linked back to an individual.
- Then, the data is aggregated into large sets. Aggregation further protects privacy by using complex algorithmic models to group and summarize the data into bulk data sets.
Then, it's possible to analyze the data to find trends and draw insights, like population patterns, without compromising privacy.

TELUS can use these insights to help our partners, like municipalities, decide where to locate schools, health clinics and other public services.

By using strong de-identification techniques and aggregation, we can harness the potential of big data without sharing any personal information.
At TELUS, we know that with big data comes the big responsibility of safeguarding your privacy. It's just another way we put you first.
Last reviewed November 21, 2019.
It’s up to you
One of the choices we provide at TELUS is the opportunity for our mobility subscribers to opt-out of including their location information in de-identified form where the information or insights are intended to be disclosed to third parties to assist in research, planning, or product and service development, except where such information sharing is required by law.
If you wish to opt-out, please visit the site below and enter your mobile phone number. Once entered, you will receive a text message to confirm your opt-out. Your opt-out will be processed when we receive your confirmation text.
If you would like to be removed from our marketing lists, you may contact us at *611 from your TELUS mobile phone or by calling