
Free & Friendly Wi-Fi

Get online on the go with the #TELUS free Wi-Fi network.

Free to connect

TELUS Wi-Fi gets you online while you’re on the go. Simply look for the #TELUS network on your device and follow a few simple steps. Each time you register you can easily connect to all TELUS Wi-Fi locations for 30 days.

Friendly to use

Connect as many devices as you like at any of our 20,000 TELUS Wi-Fi hotspots — with more being added every month. While online, TELUS customers can also watch and record their favourite shows on the go with the Optik TV® 1 app or learn to stay safer online with TELUS Wise.

Easy to find a hotspot

Use our
online Wi-Fi locator
or easily download our mobile Wi-Fi Finder app. The Wi-Fi app lets you:
  • Get directions to the hotspot, including Google Streetview on mobile
  • Find hotspots even when you’re offline2

Get support

Having trouble connecting to a hotspot? Call 1-855-200-WIFI

Get TELUS Wise

Our trusted source can help keep your family and community safer online.
Terms and conditions