What you should consider when switching Electronic Logging Device providers

Fleet management · Feb 19, 2024

With the ever-changing landscape of the transportation industry, staying compliant and efficient is more important than ever. One of the most critical decisions a Fleet Manager makes is choosing the right Electronic Logging Device (ELD) provider. Switching ELD providers can be a daunting task, but by considering these key factors, you can facilitate a smooth transition and maximize the benefits of your new ELD system.

Data security and compliance are paramount

It is crucial to ensure that the provider adheres to industry standards and regulations, such as those outlined by
Transport Canada (TC)
, the
Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (the Cyber Centre)
and applicable privacy legislation such as
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
. Compliance by the provider with such laws and regulations ensures your sensitive data is adequately safeguarded and helps you avoid potential legal ramifications.
To protect your data, thoroughly evaluate the provider's security measures. Look for robust encryption methods, access controls and data backup procedures to ensure your information remains secure. Additionally, review the provider's policies for handling and storing data, including their data retention and disposal practices.
Understanding the provider's data ownership and usage policies is essential to maintaining data confidentiality. Confirm that your data remains your property and is used solely for the intended and permitted purposes. By carefully considering these data security and privacy compliance factors, you can better protect your sensitive information and maintain regulatory compliance.
Tip: Review guides such as the "
Cyber Safe guide for small and medium business
" provided by the Cyber Centre.

Integration, compatibility and ease of use

Integration, compatibility and ease of use are crucial factors to consider when selecting an ELD provider. Seamless integration with existing software and hardware systems is essential for a smooth transition and to help mitigate any disruptions to the continuity of your operations.
Ensure that the ELD can integrate with your fleet management software, accounting systems and other relevant platforms. Compatibility with different devices and operating systems is vital when integrating with various existing devices and operating systems. A user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation can minimize training time and reduce the risk of errors. The ability to easily access and input data, manage logs and perform other tasks without difficulty can aid in driver adoption.
Additionally, consider the availability of training and support resources provided by the ELD provider. Comprehensive training materials and ongoing support are essential to ensure that your drivers and fleet managers can use the ELD effectively. Look for a provider that offers user manuals, video tutorials, online training sessions and dedicated customer support to assist you with any issues or questions that may arise.

Bolster your solution with complementary features

Complementary features can take your ELD solution to the next level. They go further than common benefits such as ease of use and installation, cost and compliance. Enhancing your solution may help you reconstruct collisions to improve safety, manage multiple vehicles in a single system, remove paper logs and scalability for smoother day-to-day operations.
For example, Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs) are an important complementary feature that can help fleets comply with safety regulations, gain insights into fleet behaviour and track and maintain vehicle maintenance records. By incorporating DVIRs into their ELD solution, fleets can streamline their inspection processes and improve overall compliance.
Some ELD providers also offer additional features such as automated reminders for inspections, integration with telematics systems (see more information below) and the ability to capture and store photos of vehicle defects. By choosing an ELD provider with robust complementary capabilities, fleets can streamline their inspection processes, improve compliance, enhance safety and reduce downtime.

Customizations and customer support

When selecting an ELD provider, it is essential to consider the level of customization and customer support offered. The ability to tailor the ELD solution to your specific business requirements is crucial for optimizing fleet operations and ensuring compliance. Look for a provider that offers flexible customization options, such as custom reports, alerts and workflows to maximize the use and scalability of your solution.
Customer support is equally important -- a reliable ELD provider should offer comprehensive support, including technical assistance, training and ongoing guidance. This ensures that you have the resources and assistance needed to successfully implement and use the ELD solution. Consider the availability of support channels, such as phone, email and chat, as well as the response time and expertise of the support team.
Some providers may charge additional fees for customizations or offer different support levels at varying costs. Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the ELD solution, considering the value of the features and support offered, and choose the option that aligns with your budget, business needs and future scalability.

Combining your ELD with advanced telematics

The integration of telematics can provide a number of benefits, including automated data synchronization, improved fleet visibility and management, enhanced driver safety monitoring, optimized vehicle maintenance and reduced fuel costs and improved fuel efficiency.
Combining your existing ELD and telematics can allow you to automatically sync data between the two separate systems into one solution, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This can save you time and money, and it can also help you improve the accuracy of your fleet data.
Optimize fleet routes, reduce fuel costs and improve customer service through real-time vehicle location tracking and the ability to view historical vehicle movement data. Track vehicle health and performance with automated alerts when maintenance is needed while keeping your vehicles in good condition and avoiding costly repairs.
Enhance your solution further with the integration of AI-enabled cameras –
video telematics
–  that allow you to take advantage of improved fleet visibility and management. External and internal cameras provide access to real-time and historical data to improve driver training, collision reconstruction and more. Plus, get ahead of problematic driver behaviours, such as speeding, harsh braking and rapid acceleration, to help you reduce the risk of accidents and improve driver safety.
Tip: Assess whether video telematics could be the right fit for you before investing using self-assessment tools such as “
Getting started with video telematics
” from our TELUS Business Fleet Management team.
Discover more in our guide to finding the right technology partner "
Maximizing the benefits of your ELD solution
", in partnership with Geotab. Whether you're a small business looking to add vehicle diagnostics, live video streaming and in-vehicle Wi-Fi to stay connected while on-the-go — or you're a large commercial fleet in need of real-time monitoring, advanced reporting and ELD capabilities — TELUS has a solution that's ideal for your needs.
Connect with a TELUS specialist
to learn more about how
TELUS Business Fleet Management solutions
can help you navigate toward a smarter, safer, more sustainable future.