The importance of responsible AI within the telecommunication services industry

Data and Voice · Sep 12, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a major focal point in various discussions, ranging from media coverage to strategic business frameworks. The central theme of these discussions revolves around how AI can significantly enhance business productivity, improve employee efficiency, and lead to more favorable business outcomes. Despite the apparent benefits and advantages, there are contrasting emotions surrounding the adoption and integration of AI within industry and society. Many professionals exhibit a palpable mistrust towards AI. This skepticism is rooted in several concerns: the fear of AI making autonomous and potentially flawed decisions without human oversight, the anticipation that AI could replace human jobs, and the apprehension that AI might prioritize corporate profitability over essential human values such as convenience, understanding, and empathy.
Transparency in AI
Transparency is a multi-faceted aspect when it comes to AI. It includes revealing the utilization of AI, providing insights into its development, the data it was trained on, and the rationale behind its decisions. Responsible AI practices necessitate that these processes, data usage, and decision mechanisms become more accessible and understandable to both the organization implementing AI and its customer base. Increased transparency is instrumental in building trust among customers and team members. By openly sharing how AI integrates into operations and the kind of outcomes it produces, organizations can ensure that their stakeholders are well-informed and confident in the AI-driven processes.
Findings from the 2024 TELUS AI Report
The 2024
, titled "The Power of Perspectives in Canada," sheds light on the public’s perception of AI through a comprehensive survey of a diverse group of nearly 5,000 Canadians. Key insights from the report include:
  • 90% of respondents strongly believe that AI research and development should adhere to ethical principles, particularly emphasizing transparency.
  • 66% of participants feel that professionals in fields like data ethics, legal, and academia should play significant roles in the regulation and governance of AI.
  • 42% of respondents from marginalized groups perceive AI to be biased against them, expressing concerns about AI being used for surveillance purposes.
  • 61% of LGBTQ2S+ respondents fear that the deployment of AI could adversely affect certain communities, reflecting a deep-seated anxiety about equity and fairness.
  • 80% of teenagers are concerned that their generation will inherit and need to address problems created by AI, indicating a future-oriented apprehension among the youth.
Addressing AI challenges
Embracing the complexities and challenges posed by AI technology, TELUS has implemented several measures to address these concerns effectively. These initiatives include:
  1. Responsible AI Policies and Trust Model: TELUS has developed its Responsible AI policies and established a comprehensive
    Trust Model
    to mitigate issues such as bias and ensure ethical AI practices
  2. Safe Testing Environments: TELUS provides its team members with secure environments, or "walled gardens," to test Generative AI tools; this ensures customer data is protected while these tools are being evaluated and matured for broader deployment
  3. Educational Programs: TELUS collaborates with leading organizations like CIFAR to create educational programs, including the
    Destination AI
    course and the
    TELUS Wise Responsible AI Workshop
    , aimed at educating teenagers about responsible AI usage
Legal and Ethical Frameworks
Although several regulatory frameworks, such as the proposed Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (
), are applicable to AI in specific industries like health and finance, a dedicated framework for the telecommunication sector is still absent. Despite the lack of a specific telecommunication AI framework, TELUS takes proactive measures to adhere to a variety of regulations that ensure the responsible use of AI within its operations.
Ensuring trust and fairness
For AI technology to be trusted, transparency is paramount. Users must be aware of AI applications, understand the decision-making processes, and know how to challenge and rectify decisions if necessary. Furthermore, companies must strive to ensure AI fairness by actively minimizing biases present in training data. Achieving fairness is crucial for realizing desired business outcomes such as enhanced efficiency, better customer service, and overall satisfaction.
Building accountability
Organizations implementing AI services hold immense accountability for the systems they construct and the results these systems produce. Transparent AI processes allow all stakeholders, including developers and end-users, to comprehend and assess AI decision-making mechanisms. This transparency is essential for identifying and correcting biases, errors, or any unethical practices that may arise. Additionally, it fosters user trust and confidence in the technology, highlighting the ethical deployment of AI.
TELUS's unwavering commitment to responsible AI is evident through substantial investments in AI research and development, business consultations, and extensive
nationwide surveys
aimed at promoting transparency without compromising data privacy and trust. Collaborations with organizations like the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Institute (
) and the International Association of Privacy Professionals (
) underscore the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives in AI development. TELUS remains dedicated to exploring innovative methods through which AI can ethically and responsibly enhance both business and personal outcomes.
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