Get grilling with a dietitian-approved BBQ recipe

Physical Health · Aug 18, 2022

Barbeque season is in full swing! We tend to focus on meat when grilling, but don’t forget those veggies. Barbequing vegetables is a tasty way to get more fibre and antioxidants into your diet during the summer. Avoid charring your veggies by coating them with olive oil and popping them into a foil packet, like in the recipe below.
Created by a registered dietitian with TELUS Health MyCare, this summer barbeque recipe relies on simple seasonings to bring out the delicious flavours of grilled chicken and vegetables.
(Serves 4)


  • 3 chicken breasts
  • ⅓ cup barbeque sauce of choice
  • An assortment of your preferred veggies (onion, mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, asparagus, and cauliflower are all good choices for the grill)
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil (enough to lightly coat your vegetables)


  1. While the barbeque is heating up, prepare your foil packets. Tear 6 evenly-sized sheets of foil (you’ll need 2 sheets per packet). Lay 3 sheets flat (these will be the bottoms of the packets) and set aside the remaining 3.
  2. Coat the bottom sheet of each foil packet with a small amount of olive oil to prevent sticking.
  3. Chop the veggies into large, evenly sized chunks.
  4. Place 1 chicken breast on each oil-coated sheet of foil. Season with salt and pepper, and brush with 2 tablespoons of barbeque sauce.
  5. Arrange ⅓ of the chopped vegetables around each chicken breast on the foil. Lightly season the vegetables with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.
  6. Place one of the reserved foil sheets on top of each chicken and vegetable mixture, and fold the sides over a few times to seal the packet.
  7. Place foil packets on the barbeque grill and cook for 20 to 25 minutes, flipping halfway. 
  8. Remove packets from the grill, open them (be careful to avoid steam), and allow them to cool for several minutes. Confirm that the chicken is cooked through before serving.
  9. Serve with brown rice or your favourite whole grain – or enjoy as is!
Another way to incorporate vegetables when barbecuing is to serve grilled meats sliced atop a salad of your favourite mixed greens and vegetables. 
For personalized tips on how to eat your veggies and stay healthy this summer, book a video chat with a registered dietitian* on the TELUS Health MyCare App.

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*Registered Dietitian appointments require additional payment of $120 inclusive of applicable taxes. Users under employer-sponsored solutions will not pay a fee for the service. Any payments for appointments must be paid using a valid credit card. An in-app receipt will be provided for you to claim for reimbursement if applicable.

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