Social media guidelines help inform how we consistently bring the brand to life across multiple paid and organic social media platforms.
Standards also ensure all social accounts are pre-approved and supported by @TELUS and @TELUSSupport teams. TELUS team members looking for social media sharing and advocacy usage standards can visit
Imagery for social media should follow TELUS photography standards that is clean, simple and contemporary, featuring nature and white space.
As our social media presence is meant to connect with customers on a more personal level, logo use is generally less prominent. But when advertising is created, it must follow Consumer advertising standards.
We use Helvetica Now for TELUS as the primary font for all our social media communications. Arial can be used as the default secondary font when Helvetica Now for TELUS is not available within an application.
The following guidelines will help you add closed captions, subtitles, video supers and title cards to your video content.
The TELUS tone of voice is simple and friendly, and depending on the customer interaction in social there can be different ways to show our brand personality.
Social media icons help our customers immediately engage with TELUS social channels in email footers, website footers and printed collateral.
GIFs and emojis can bring some charm when moderating social media comments, but they should follow our imagery and tone of voice standards.