Take control of your health

Revolutionize your approach to prevention and take charge of your health journey with our next-generation health packages. Through millions of data points gathered from imaging, genomics and bioanalytics, unlock a new level of health knowledge to help you live exceptionally.

Welcome to a new era of prevention

Imagine a world where we prioritize staying healthy over treating illnesses. Imagine a world where you understand the secrets hidden in your genes, the unique traits that inform your health. Now, imagine you could put that knowledge to use, to feel better, to be healthier, for longer. That’s the knowledge we strive to deliver and the insights we have the power to express. We’ll help you know yourself better than you ever thought possible.

Empowering you through health knowledge

A man sitting in his kitchen using his laptop for a virtual appointment with his health coach

Goal-focused packages

Choose your package based on your primary health goal — longevity, heart health or athletic performance. The focus of your package will be either an MRI creating your digital twin1, cardiovascular screens or advanced fitness assessments which are all geared towards providing you with profound insights that can help you achieve greater heights.

Total health data

Start quantifying more aspects of your health than ever before and find it all in one place. Our pioneering health technologies allow us to aggregate and analyze millions of data points to deliver new unique insights into your current state and health potential.

Longitudinal tracking

Monitoring changes2 to your health throughout your life is the key to optimized living. We’ll start with a view of your body’s baseline and can then build upon it with each annual assessment. The data becomes richer as you track changes in your body over time on your personal dashboard.

Our vision

We envision a future where prevention and health data take precedence, where people are familiar with and benefit from their health knowledge to make proactive changes for a longer, healthier life. By harnessing the power of best-in-class health innovations, we’re giving you the power to explore a deeper view of your health and enable educated decision-making for improved well-being.

A health experience like no other

Located in vibrant downtown Calgary within the iconic TELUS Sky building, the space has been meticulously curated around the individual to create a profoundly human health experience. During scans, you can select your favourite setting—a tranquil underwater scene, the vastness of outer space, a mesmerizing sunset, or a majestic mountainscape—to help enhance your comfort.
This environment is designed to connect you with people, surroundings, and technology. Privacy, collaboration, education, reflection, and well-being are at the core of your transformative experience.

Select the package that’s right for you

Our packages




Heart Health




Digital twin access

A 3D digital replica of the body, organs, muscles and tissues.

Full body MRI

Advanced imaging scan of the entire body to assess the health of organs and tissues

Proactive genetic health screen

Measures risk levels for inherited cancers and other health issues.

Proactive genetic cardiovascular screen

Measures risk levels for hereditary heart disease

Oura ring rental 3

Wearable health device that tracks sleep, physical and lifestyle data.

DEXA - bone densitometry 4

Detailed scan measuring bone density.

DEXA - Body Composition

Detailed scan measuring muscle mass and body fat percentage.

VO2 Max

Measures the amount of oxygen used by the body in exercise to quantify cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance.

Fitness assessment

Series of physical tests to gauge overall physical fitness level.

Specimen collection (blood + urine)

Collection of blood and urine samples to be processed at a laboratory which will identify a variety of health markers.

Medical intake and mental health assessment

Questionnaires are delivered digitally to optimize in-person time and experience.

Nutritional assessment

Questionnaires are delivered digitally to optimize in-person time and experience.

Result review

Review results with our nurse practitioner5.

Action plan with health coach

Co-create a health optimization plan alongside our health coach.

Dashboard access

Navigate results in a user-friendly dashboard.
Precision Health focuses solely on advanced health insights and doesn't offer diagnostic services.

All your information in one place

Organize information, appointments, records, and tasks all in one convenient place with our app. Easily access your results dashboard and navigate through your data with intuitive features. Need immediate assistance? Send secure messages to our team for rapid responses. Plus, enjoy the convenience of virtual follow-up consultations via video calls.
A young man using his smart phone to access health coach support.

Health coach support

For an additional fee after your assessment, you can continue your wellness journey with virtual appointments through our app. Seeking extra support, motivation, and guidance to stay on track? Our health coaches are here to assist you. Together, you’ll develop a plan that fits your body and lifestyle. Your coach will also act as your health concierge, referring you to other health professionals to help you reach your goals. Your coach will use your assessment data and feedback to help prioritize what matters most to you. You can choose how often you want these sessions—every week, every two weeks, or once a month. 
$140 for each 30-minute session.

Unlock a new level of prevention for your team members

Help retain team members and fast-track your recruitment efforts by offering a ground-breaking health experience. Be amongst the first to empower your employees to unlock access to next-level health knowledge and show them that their well-being is your top priority.
Invest in a state-of-the-art health experience to help you attract and retain valued team members who are committed to achieving their full potential.
Help optimize benefits spending and prioritize health maintenance.
Empower your team members to uncover new insights related to their current and future potential health outcomes.

Learn more about Precision Health

ARTICLE | June 3, 2024

Precision Health: Uncover new insights with advanced health data

Contact us

Our Care Centre team is here to help with any questions you have about Precision Health services for you or your business. Be amongst the first to learn more and experience Precision Health.

Prefer to call?

Individual inquiries: 1-866-443-1703
Business inquiries: 1-833-761-2759