Smiling man sitting in front of an open laptop

Meet TELUS Expert Messaging

Find support anytime, anywhere with TELUS Expert Messaging in the My TELUS app. Just start a conversation by sending your request and a TELUS expert will work on a resolution as you go about your day.
Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

Message us on your schedule

Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go, TELUS Expert Messaging is available 24/7.
Engage with our team without disrupting your day, respond at your leisure and get the answers you need all from the palm of your hand.
A smartphone screen showing a TELUS Expert Messaging text alert.

How it works

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Select the support button icon in the top-right corner of the My TELUS app to go to Support.

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Scroll down and select “Message us" to get to the Message Centre.

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In the Message Centre, select “Message us” again to start a new chat with the TELUS Virtual Assistant.

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The Virtual Assistant will quickly transfer you to the TELUS Expert messaging platform.

Item 5 of 5

Make your request to the Expert and go about your day. You’ll be notified when you receive a response.

Customer care that works for you

Start a chat at your convenience

No need to stay glued to your screen or stuck on hold. We’ll notify you when an expert responds.

Effective resolutions

Asynchronous messaging allows for thoughtful, comprehensive replies that address your specific needs.

All-in-one Message Centre

Initiate new conversations and view your message history for up to 90 days in one central hub.

Download the app today

Everything you need is on the My TELUS app, including TELUS Expert Messaging.