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Optik TV error messages

Troubleshoot common error codes on Optik TV.

Common error codes

Below are Optik TV's most common error codes and simple tricks for fixing them. While error codes may occasionally come up, they should not be commonplace.

Error message


Optik TV is initializing

At this time, the digital box is attempting to connect back to our TV center. If the screen is seen longer than 15 minutes, please follow
My TV is initializing

Recording list is unavailable

When your digital box and PVR become out of sync, recordings will be unavailable. This error can also occur on the PVR when it did not boot properly. To resolve, simply reboot your PVR and allow it a few moments after it has tuned to a Live TV channel for the recordings to be available again.

Green screen

Your digital box has gone into Standby Mode after 4 hours of inactivity. Pressing "OK" on your remote will bring Live TV back.

Your television cannot support HDCP video over your high definition connection

When connections are attempted between your TV, your video cable and your digital box they can sometimes fail resulting in this error message. These errors can be random and sometimes more frequent but can often be resolved with a few simple troubleshooting steps. For more information, refer to
HDMI troubleshooting

Error code 403

This error can come up in different situations. The most common one is seen within applications (e.g. Netflix, YouTube) or in our Video On Demand storefront.

To resolve this problem,
reboot your digital box

Error code 0

To resolve this problem,
reboot your digital box

Error code 505

To resolve this problem,
reboot your digital box


"Something unexpected happened. Please try again later (LP1008)." This error is due to a backend account linkage issue.

To troubleshoot this issue, please make sure you:

  1. Have a My TELUS account and have completed registration

  2. Are subscribed to TV services if you are trying to access the Optik App/Pik App.

If the issue persists, please
contact us

HD PVR is offline

Recording capabilities may have been disabled.
Contact us
and we will re-enable them for you.

PVR is starting, please wait...

After rebooting the PVR, it can take a few moments to be ready. The amount of time it takes depends on how many recordings there are. Simply allow the PVR a few moments and it will be ready on its own.

Account unavailable / client has been disabled / quit client

There may be a problem on our end. Please
contact us
for assistance.

Please enter a registration / activation code

The digital box should register automatically after a few moments if you acquired the digital box directly from TELUS.
Reboot your digital box
to attempt the automatic registration again (2 to 3 reboot attempts may be required). If the issue persists, please
contact us

The application you have tried to access is temporarily unavailable

Please allow a few moments and try again. If the issue persists, a reboot of the affected digital box may be required.

Arris problem detected

The word "Arris" and a loading bar will pop up on your TV screen. A
of the digital box will normally solve the issue.

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