Digital wellness / July 02, 2024

Inclusive tech: empowering people with disabilities through the power of accessibility features

Amanda Lee

Amanda Lee

Senior Program Manager, Tech for Good™ & TELUS Wise®

Person with a disability using smartphone

Did you know that more than 8 million Canadians live with some form of disability, according to Statistics Canada? Living with a disability presents unique challenges that can impact various aspects of daily life. From physical impairments to cognitive limitations, individuals living with a disability often face barriers that may hinder their ability to fully engage with the world around them.

Moreover, each disability comes with its own set of challenges, requiring tailored solutions to facilitate independence and inclusion. In recognition of these challenges, we’ve developed new tip sheets which highlight some of the common built-in accessibility features on your devices:

  • Assistive technology for hearing impairments (iOS/Android)
  • Assistive technology for physical and motor impairments (iOS/Android)
  • Assistive technology for speech, memory and cognitive impairment (iOS/Android)
  • Assistive technology for visual impairments (iOS/Android).

Acknowledging the transformative impact of technology on the lives of individuals living with a disability, the TELUS Tech for Good™ program expanded earlier this year to include training on computers and laptops (beyond mobile phones and tablets). To witness the impact of Tech for Good in action, watch this inspiring video featuring Rebekah, a Tech for Good participant who found herself living with a disability after a car accident.

TELUS Tech for Good

Want to learn more? If you have a disability, you can participate in the TELUS Tech for Good program to receive access to free:

  • Training and support on how to use your device’s accessibility features
  • Recommendations on assistive technology, including apps, software and hardware for devices.

You do not need to be a TELUS customer to participate in Tech for Good. The program supports people with disabilities regardless of their mobility or Internet provider.

Delivered by experts with specialized knowledge in accessibility barriers and assistive technologies, training is provided by March of Dimes Canada on behalf of TELUS. Apply today for support through TELUS Tech for Good and discuss your individual needs with our Assistive Technology Specialists at March of Dimes Canada.

To learn more and apply visit

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