With Call Control on, when a caller phones you for the first time, they’ll be prompted to enter a number on their keypad. If they enter it successfully, the call will go through to you and they won’t be prompted again (as long as they’re one of your 25 most recent callers).
If they fail to enter the correct number, they’ll hear an automatic message that they’ve been prevented from reaching you. This screening process prevents robocalls from getting through and is simple enough for real-life callers to pass.
You can add phone numbers to your
Accepted list
to avoid having them screened when they try to reach you.
We highly recommend adding telephone numbers of frequent or important callers (e.g. family members, school offices, doctors’ offices, libraries, etc.), especially those that may use auto-dialling to reach you to your Accepted list, as well as anyone who doesn’t speak English or French.
If you don’t want to receive calls from certain numbers at all, you can put them on your
Blocked list
Call Control
Accepted list
Maximum 25 numbers
Blocked list
Maximum 25 numbers
Call log
View last 10 calls
How to set up and manage Call Control
Managing Call Control with IVR
Call Control can also be managed with IVR (Interactive Voice Response).
Dial *99 for English prompts.
IVR can be used to:
Turn Call Control on
Turn Call Control off
Move any of your last 3 callers to your Allowed or Blocked list
Call Control with wearables
Have a wearable device like a smartwatch with its own SIM card? Call Control settings on your primary number will extend to your wearable.
Important things to note
Call Control may screen out legitimate auto-dialled calls, like an automated recording notifying you of a package delivery
If your home has an intercom system that you answer with your mobile phone, add the intercom’s Caller ID number to your Accepted list
Be sure to add anyone who doesn’t speak English or French to your Accepted list so they won’t be prompted
Call Control and IVR access (*99) may not work for some customers while roaming.
Only Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy smartwatches can support Call Control functionalities as wearables
IVR calls (*99) from a wearable will only allow changes to Call Control for the Primary number