Cyberbullying / August 12, 2024

Together we can #EndBullying

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We’re supporting youth, parents and educators to work together to make a safer, friendlier world online. In 2018, we launched our #EndBullying campaign and the TELUS Wise Digital Pledge, asking Canadians to stand with us to rise above cyberbullying and help create a more positive, friendly world online, in turn receiving 2,202,050 pledges to #EndBullying.

For parents

Help youth navigate cyberbullying. Research shows that parents and caregivers are the first place kids turn when faced with cyberbullying. Download guide.

For students

Cyberbullies often say they were just joking, but it’s no laughing matter. Online bullying is very serious and has consequences. If you are among the 40% of Canadian youth who experience cyberbullying, here are some tips for dealing with the situation. Download tip sheet.

Make a difference when you witness cyberbullying. Have you seen someone being cyberbullied? Answer these questions to help you decide what to do. Try our Impact Quiz.

For teachers and coaches

As a teacher or coach, you can be influential in promoting a climate of respect and encouraging youth to be kind online. You may also be the trusted adult a child turns to for help if they are experiencing cyberbullying. The following information gives you some tools to engage youth in a conversation about cyberbullying and support those who may need help. Explore resources.

See what the TELUS Wise Digital Pledge meant to fellow Canadians.

“It’s important as a parent that I lead by example for my kids. Being a responsible ‘online citizen’ includes kindness both in person and behind the screen.” – Jessica G

“It's great to see someone trying to help bring awareness to an issue that affects so many people. Together we must work together to end cyberbullying.” – Colton

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” – Jen

“It takes no effort to be nice to each other. Let's build each other up rather then tear each other apart.” – Lisa B

“As a former teacher, and as a parent, I know how important it is to keep our kid’s safe online. Parents need the tools to help ensure their children are safe in the digital age.” – Jean-Paul B

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There is more to explore


Making digital kindness a daily habit: beyond Pink Shirt Day

Discover practical tips for adults to help youth build positive online habits year-round.

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Activity for Grades 3-5 | Kindness rocks


Activity for Grades 6-9 | Rising above cyberbullying