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Enabling technology. Empowering people.

Enabling technology. Empowering people.

The next agriculture age will be driven by data insights that depend on trustworthy and precise data connections. The challenge for digital agriculture providers is how to work with various datasets that come to them in different formats, from different places, and with different levels of quality while presenting farmers with actionable insights they can depend on.

Helping with this challenge, AgIntegrated has been working with Agri-Businesses building and enabling precision agriculture apps and information management systems for years. Their integration solutions are built to easily and efficiently manage and support data from mixed fleets and FMIS providers.

TELUS Agriculture is excited to have AgIntegrated’s expertise in accelerating agri-tech innovation and adoption through data integration. This will play a crucial role in continuing to help FMIS providers integrate into new information opportunities linking the value chain. 

TELUS Agriculture is looking to enable efficient, multi-partner collaboration and flow of information from Agri-Business through Agri-Food. By directly understanding the challenges faced by FMIS and digital ag solutions, TELUS Agriculture can move faster with data enabling technologies, using their own products to prove the solutions to the data challenges. With TELUS Agriculture, AgIntegrated will continue to uphold their approach as a neutral and independent provider of solutions. Adding Decisive Farming, Farm At Hand, and Muddy Boots as well as any other FMIS’s.

Image showing AGIntegerated  logo and software.

About AgIntegrated

AgIntegrated started out in State College, PA in 2007 as a software development company, making custom solutions for clients. Since then, they have grown to empower Agri-Businesses and software vendors with data integration solutions that seamlessly and easily connect different data sources, platforms and devices to accelerate technology innovation and adoption. 

With all of the changes and growth, AgIntegrated has remained a neutral and agnostic resource with diverse industry experience. Their vision remains the same, to shape the future of agriculture by making software more easily integrated, allowing for seamless data flow.