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Break down the barriers to effective sales and inventory data use

A business team at an agricultural manufacturer collaborates to plan and develop a comprehensive agriculture sales data strategy.

Everyone in the agricultural and turf and ornamental manufacturing sectors understands that timely sales and inventory data are the lifeblood of informed decision making. It's a well-known fact that these insights are vital for optimizing operations, maximizing profitability and staying ahead of the curve. Why is it so hard to leverage this data effectively? The problem isn't a lack of awareness - it's the persistent challenges that prevent manufacturers from truly harnessing the power of their data.

External pressures amplify the need for better data usage

The agricultural sector is facing a confluence of challenges that strain traditional methods of operation. Supply chain disruptions are a major concern, with 38% of North American farmers citing them as a significant factor impacting profits.1 In fact, a recent study found that securing raw materials ranked as the biggest supply chain challenge for many organizations.2 These disruptions don't just cause production delays - they can also result in lost sales that ripple through the entire distribution chain.

Adding another layer of complexity is climate change. Rising temperatures and CO2 levels threaten crop yields forcing adaptation across the agricultural sector.3 This can lead to unpredictable harvests and price fluctuations, further complicating the planning process.

The manufacturing landscape itself also faces challenges. A looming labour shortage suggests that the U.S. manufacturing industry might need to fill up to 3.8 million jobs between 2024 and 2033.4 To top it off, both agricultural and turf and ornamental manufacturers are grappling with rising input costs, such as fertilizer, fuel and seeds.5

These challenges demand a more agile, data-driven approach, yet many companies find themselves unable to rise to the occasion.

The persistent challenges in leveraging in-season data

While most manufacturers acknowledge the importance of timely data, turning that data into actionable insights remains a significant hurdle. Data often lives in various isolated sources, making integration and analysis difficult. These fragmented datasets lead to inaccuracies and inconsistencies that undermine confidence in the insights derived.

Ensuring data quality and accuracy can also be a struggle due to errors and inconsistencies in formats across different sources. Limited access to comprehensive market intelligence on competitor pricing, market share and trends further restricts informed business decisions leading to missed opportunities and suboptimal strategies. Combined with a lack of real-time insights throughout the season, proactively responding to market fluctuations can become increasingly challenging.

Why do these challenges persist?

Many manufacturers find themselves held back by the limitations of existing systems and processes. It's not a question of capability, but rather of having the right tools and technologies in place to fully harness the potential of the data at hand.

Manufacturers today are sitting on a wealth of data, yet the challenge lies in transforming that data into actionable insights. The key to overcoming this challenge is integrating and streamlining data sources, enabling faster and more effective decision making.

So, how can we move from simply understanding the problem to actually solving it?

Here’s how we can help you unlock the full potential of your data

Imagine a world where your data doesn’t just sit in silos but flows seamlessly across your organization, providing timely insights that empower every decision. This is not just a possibility - it’s a necessity for thriving in today’s market. Here’s how you can break through the barriers:

1. Demand planning and pull-through strategy 

Use accurate forecasting to align inventory levels and create a proactive pull-through strategy with distributors. This is crucial for navigating the unpredictable demand swings caused by external factors.

2. Visibility into sales channels 

Gain clear insights into where your products are being sold, allowing you to tailor your sales and marketing efforts and identify new growth opportunities. Early detection of distribution channel disruptions, like changing trade policies, gives you the lead time to adapt and stay competitive.

3. Distributor performance tracking 

Use your data to track distributor performance, fostering collaboration and ensuring both parties can adjust strategies to maximize success. Analyzing data is especially important as market dynamics can influence distributor performance.

4. Empowerment of sales teams

Equip your sales teams with the data they need to plan effectively and engage in more productive conversations with distributors. This not only improves performance but also helps identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

5. Effective end-user program management

Leverage data to create targeted end-user programs that resonate with their preferences and purchasing behaviour, leading to higher customer satisfaction and better returns on marketing spend.

6. Optimized product planning and production 

Gain visibility into inventory levels across your distribution channels, enabling you to adjust production in line with actual market demand. This minimizes inventory holding costs, reduces waste and ensures timely deliveries.

The power of data-driven growth

While the challenges of leveraging timely sales and inventory data are well known, overcoming them is still a significant obstacle for many. But it doesn’t have to be. By embracing a data-driven approach, you can transform your operations, making the leap from data-rich to insight-driven.

TELUS Data Collection can help manufacturers like you to streamline your data collection, reconciliation, and analysis.

Our solution can help make your data more actionable, empowering you to make informed decisions faster and more effectively.

Let’s turn the knowledge you already have into the results you’ve been striving for. The tools to overcome these challenges are within your reach - let us help you unlock their full potential.

Let’s solve timely sales and inventory data, together.

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