Add-on integrated with Kroll

Kroll Care Plus, powered by RxVigilance

Powered by RxVigilance and used by 50,000 frontline healthcare professionals, Kroll Care Plus is your pharmacy’s medication advisor and clinical decision support tool - whenever you need it.

Essential information in one place

Access over 7,500 pages of drug and health information, plus clinical tools to calculate dosages and compound formulations, and identify potential drug-related problems.

Enhanced level of confidence

A comprehensive clinical decision support tool, Kroll Care Plus can help you manage patient medication records and confidently deliver pharmaceutical care.

All-Canadian medication data

Designed and maintained by Canadian pharmacists, Kroll Care Plus is specifically designed to meet the needs of Canadian pharmacists and their evolving practice and includes links to relevant clinical content and guidelines.
“Kroll Care Plus, powered by RxVigilance, helps our pharmacists practice to their full scope. Having so many applications and access to the many tools integrated right into your pharmacy dispensing software helps to make this possible. Once they have used Kroll Care Plus, they don’t want to practice without it.”
Rita Winn, BScPhm
Rita Winn, BScPhm
Pharmacist Director, Lovell Drugs

Here’s what FaxRx Cloud can do for you

Save time

Avoid trips to the fax machine. Sending faxes online means no more time spent dialing, waiting for the line, or printing and archiving paper documents.

Keep information confidential

Keep track of patient information by making sure faxes are linked to the correct patient file. You can also track who views vital information and configure FaxRx Cloud by role.

Benefit from flexibility and convenience

Send and receive faxes with fewer interruptions. With FaxRx Cloud, you can avoid busy lines and receive multiple faxes simultaneously. In the event of a power outage, your faxes will be received and stored until your electricity is back on.

Cut down costs

With FaxRx Cloud, you can reduce telecommunications and hardware costs. No need to purchase a fax machine and paper, or pay for a fax line.

Request a sales callback

Have any questions or ready to order?
Or call us at:
1 800 263-5876 option 2
Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (EST)

Get technical support

Get in touch with a TELUS Health representative.
Or call us at:
1 800 263-5876
Available 24/7

Additional links

Kroll resources

Access training materials, videos, user guides and policy documentation

Documentation Center

Find information and reference material relative to drug claim