Quality care.
Personalized advice.
Medication made easy.
Personalized advice.
Medication made easy.
Welcome to Pharmacie Jérôme-Henri Lavoie (de Celles) Inc., affiliated with TELUS Health Virtual Pharmacy. A private, convenient pharmacy that delivers everything you expect from your community pharmacy and more.

Download the TELUS Health Virtual Pharmacy app today.

Prescriber? Fax your prescriptions here:
The pharmacist owner in affiliation with the TELUS Health Virtual Pharmacy is solely responsible for the professional activities carried out within the framework of the practice of pharmacy.
The Virtual Pharmacy experience.

Manage your prescriptions.
Transfer*, review and order medication online or from any device.
*Certain conditions apply. Please consult your pharmacist.

Chat with a pharmacist.
Book appointments with ease. Get the advice you need.

Track your delivery.
Fast and free of charge, you’ll have medication delivered to your door in 1-3 business days.
Quality care and so much more.
Making medication
management easy.
Talk to your pharmacist today!
management easy.
Talk to your pharmacist today!
Whether you’re caring for yourself or a loved one, with MedPack, medications are organized by date and time, so it’s easy to stay on track. Online refill and renewal reminders built into the app can also help you plan ahead.

Transparent pricing
and no hidden fees.
and no hidden fees.
Your pharmacist can help you understand your coverage and options. You’ll only ever pay the amount not covered by your insurance. Medication delivery is complimentary.

An online pharmacy platform at your fingertips.
The TELUS Health Virtual Pharmacy app is an easy way to connect with a pharmacist and order, track and manage medication for you and your loved ones.